1. The book of Hosea is the word of God and all of God’s word is good for us.  The opening words of the book of Hosea tell us that “this is the word of the Lord to Hosea, son of Beeri.”  Paul teaches us that, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching…”  All of it, including the parts we’d rather skip.  Yet, remember the words of Jesus, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mt 4:4 quoting Dt 8:3).  Hosea is the word of the Lord and studying it will be life-giving and good for us.
  2. The second reason for preaching through Hosea is that it emphasizes God’s unshakable intention to keep his promises to his covenant people despite their wickedness in breaking their promises to him. This is the kind of God he is. You need to know this about him and the book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  3. The book of Hosea demonstrates God’s unfailing love as he pursues and woos his covenant people while they were running from him. God persistently goes after his wandering children and woos them back to himself. He does not leave them alone in the wilderness. He goes after them and speaks tenderly to them. You need to know this about God and the book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  4. The book of Hosea upholds marriage—between a man and a woman—as the wonderfully good and intimate metaphor through which God’s gloriously loving heart is displayed to a broken world. This is a message the entire world needs to hear today and the book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  5. The book of Hosea exposes the emptiness of worshiping sex. Our culture clearly and unashamedly bows down daily before the false god of erotic liberty. Spiritual fulfillment is not found in unbridled sexual expression. Sex does not satisfy the thirst of our souls, only God does. Augustine was right when he said, “My soul is forever restless until it finds its rest in God.” The book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  6. The book of Hosea makes horrifyingly clear the dire consequences that will come to those who ignore the call of God by refusing to repent and return to God the Father. There are loud warnings against such fatal spiritual stubbornness. Our world needs to hear this and the book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  7. The book of Hosea also offers incredibly precious and tender encouragement for how husbands are to love their wives. There is a famine of godly men in this land. We men, today, need admirable examples of how to love our wives. Hosea is one such example.
  8. The book of Hosea contains a living example of how to die to self and joyfully surrender to the sovereignty of God over our lives. Within this book is an incredibly powerful living illustration of what it means to surrender your will to God’s will. If you would like to more deeply understand how to die to yourself, then join us on this journey, because the book of Hosea has something to say about this.
  9. Hosea illustrates that our lives are living parables on display before the watching world. How we live our lives makes a difference. The choices we make every day, at home at work, are being watched by all of those around us and those choices matter. It matters how we choose to live our lives.  Hosea has something to say about this.
  10. Preaching a sermon series through the ancient book of Hosea is an illustration of my trust and confidence in the Holy Spirit to feed our souls through his word. I can’t feed your souls. But I know God can and I believe he will continue to do a good work in us by using the message of Hosea to mold and shape us more clearly into the image of Christ.
  11. Hosea opens a living window on Jesus because he himself steps into the world and offers us living proof that enjoying a loving relationship with God the Father is far better than life itself. And he loves us so much that he takes upon himself all the just punishment of our godless idolatry in order that by his righteousness we might be given the ability to truly love God from the heart—because he gives us a new heart by giving us his own Holy Spirit.

May the Lord add his blessing to our time in the book of Hosea.  May he speak to our hearts and cause his word to accomplish all his will for us during these days.